Organic Mentorship Role

E. Hampton, CT agent Timothy Kearney is a stellar example of an experienced HouseValues subscriber taking on a mentorship role helping to educate other HouseValues subscribers on the HouseValues MasterMind forum:
“I don't think I do much different than everyone else. I have learned a great deal from others who have been much more successful than me here on this board and I have attempted to implement their ideas with a sprinkling of my own personality. I am very thankful that I have had such great mentorship to guide me - I have to admit that I did spend a bit of time on my prelisting packet. You have to let people know that you are: A) qualified and B) a real person. I make sure I am very "non-pressured" in my approach. Everyone gets a hard copy CMA. When I drop off a packet with the CMA I am generally dressed down and I leave the car door open and the car running when I approach the door. I just let them know that I was in the neighborhood and that I wanted to make sure they got a hard copy of their online CMA - then I leave unless they invite me in. I have had several people call me several months down the road to have me come over to list their home. It's an approach that has worked for me. Thanks and best of luck…”
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