Balance and Success

HouseValues system and leads have helped Landon Long balance his life while marinating momentum selling homes. He had a great post on the HouseValues MasterMind forum describing his experience:
"I started HouseValues & JustListed just over 3 months. After using other online lead generation systems I had some apprehension to paying for and joining another lead generation system. The previous systems that I used generated nothing but wasted marketing money for me. Because of my experience with the other systems, I was a bit nervous to commit to a year contract with a lead system I saw as the most expensive of them all. The first day that I signed up for HouseValues & JustListed, I received a solid lead, called them immediately, sent listings, went to their home the next day and took them for a tour that weekend. They have yet to purchase buy I stay in regular contact with them as they have serious plans to buy in early spring. I thought it was a strange stroke of luck to get a hit on my first day and continued working the system with skepticism.
Now just over 3+ months have passed and I have had a streak of good fortune. I believe that the HouseValues & JustListed system are the best lead generation system I have used. In the past 3+ months, my online lead response procedure has matured significantly; I have had an open phone dialogue with 10+ qualified leads, I call my entire database weekly, and have had daily/weekly email conversations with 15+ leads, aside from the leads on drip. I am working the system, getting notifications to my PDA, calling leads ASAP, and checking the system 3++ times a day and doing everything I can to make the system work for me. I am happy to report that 3 deals have resulted from my efforts ($375k, $499k and $550k) yielding 2.5% on each. I have no plans of slowing down, and am constantly looking for ways to improve my performance. I can now say that I am a HouseValues – JustListed Believer.
The best part for me is that I have been able to accomplish this while having a new baby boy just over 13 weeks ago. It was a challenge to learn the system, work it, have a baby and continue with my normal sphere of influence marketing, all in an abnormally slow local market. I “knock on wood” that this good fortune will continue, and that it is more a result of hard work than luck. I look to this forum for good ideas and ways to improve my personal performance, and appreciate the ideas and success stories that others have shared. I wanted to take a short moment to share this story with my fellow HouseValues & JustListed professionals; hopefully it will motivate others new to HouseValues.
Make it a great day."
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