"Scoop, Nurture And Wait For That Big Day to Pay"

Scott Miller from the Colorado Springs market shares his amazing ROI from his JustListed subscription on the HouseValues MasterMind forum:
"I've been a JustListed subscriber for a couple years now. I get 10 leads a month and the first year I closed 12 JustListed leads. Not a bad return. Last year wasn't so good but still my system paid for itself a few times over. Just last month I closed two more from my first year of leads. These long term folks actually buy if you just stay in front of them.
I just hired a new assistant and I had her call through my entire database to introduce her self. She probably turned up half a dozen prospects that are ready to start looking in person.
I am starting to ramble a little but my point is simple. Folks go online when they first get that itch and HouseValues has spent a ton of advertising dollars to grab them at that stage. My advice is to scoop them up, nurture them and just wait for that big pay day."
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