Thursday, August 10, 2006

Customers helping customers

I love our customers, and I LOVE watching them work to make each other successful. If one agent is having a bad day, others work to pick him or her up. If one is facing a challenge in her business, others jump in to offer advice and encouragement.

Case in point yesterday on our Mastermind Forum. A relatively new customer expressed some confusion with how to work with some of his newer prospects, and several "veteran" subscribers jumped in to help.

The below post from Lisa Creed (posted here with her permission) is an example of the responses this new customer received. It's not unusual to see this kind of exchange on the Forum on a regular basis.


I want to encourage you to work the system. Keep in mind that it's a numbers game. Don't get caught up in the "won'ts" or "don'ts" people. I challenge you to really commit to working the system hard. You stand a much better chance at whatever you are doing with a "CAN DO" attitude. When the bashers ask "hows that workin for ya?" you say..."It's great, I'm adding people left and right to my database"

You soon realize that HouseValues is more than a lead can be a great tool in your business. Search the posts and ask as many questions as possible. Lots of people here are willing to share and encourage you!!

I have been with HouseValues since Feb. ( however I didn't really work the system until a few months ago) Now I have two HouseValues listings and have scheduled my first buyer transaction to close the end of this month. Those 3 leads alone will more than cover my subscription! We have lots of what I would consider warmed up leads that are simmering in Market Leader. :)

I now have regular coaching appointments I am committed to. I try and get on as many Mastermind Calls as possible I have found for me the things I am really committed to doing -- I write down, (in my daytimer, in my phone/palm, online calendar etc.) That's just what works for me. I write my time spent on HouseValues and JustListed in my daytimer along with all the other appointments or reminders.


" It's A TEAM Thing "
Lisa Creed
Arlington, Tx