A growing business in Prescott, AZ

They had almost immediate success, with their first transaction happening in their 1st month. They've since added additional leads to their subscription in some outlying areas as they've added agents in their office.
Rosi says she just loves the program, and is extremely busy working with the leads and getting her agents on board. She says that their HouseValues coach Shannon is simply “wonderful." Together, Rosi and Allen used to average $500K in commission each year. Now, with HouseValues and JustListed they anticipate they'll be in the $1.5M commission range by the end of this year.
And what happened today makes it even better. Awhile back, Rosi got 2 JustListed leads that had the same email address. She resisted the urge to discount the leads, and instead she followed up. It turned out that both the father and the daughter had signed on and submitted leads. The father was an investor and looking to find his daughter a home. They looking for either a $300-$400K home or buying land. And their mother, who will be coming with them, is an investor and will be purchasing perhaps 3-4 properties as well.
Congratulations Rosi and Allen on your success!
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