First four months better than all of last year

I started with HouseValues in mid-January of 2005. Last year I only took four listings but listened to all the advise that things might be slow getting started.
Well - that's absolutely true for me. So far this year I have taken 7 HouseValues listings and two of them are high-end for our marketplace. In most instances I didn't even have any competition. I didn't start using a coach until about July of last year - and didn't do any drop offs or much follow up until then. I'm still a bit slow on phone follow-up and I'm sure that will increase my success rate if I can force myself to do it.
I can't stress the coaching and the Mastermind Forum enough. They have both been fabulous for me. Coaches hold you accountable and give you advice - the Mastermind Forum is great for suggestions, someone to bounce problems and ideas off, etc.
If you work the system, it will work for you. Keep reading the helpful hints and applying what you learn.
My most recent listing (yesterday), wanted to know if I had started HouseValues. Don't I just wish!! Thanks HouseValues, you've been a great help to my business.
Renee Good
Associate Broker
Re/Max orillia realty
Ontario, Canada
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