Market Leader Evangelist Makes $31,750 In 6 Months

Sean Healy in Fountain Hills, Arizona, has been with HouseValues since September 2006 and has had the following outstanding success with his HouseValues system and leads:
First deal– received Sept 22nd, and closed Feb 23rd – resulted in a $245K sale.
Second deal– received Dec 30th, and closed Feb 8th – resulted in a $250K sale.
And yet another deal on Jan 24th, put contract on house on Feb 11th, and it’s due to close early April. Result - $445K home sale.
= $31,750 – total commission since coming on board in September 2006!!
Sean has several more leads in process, expecting to close many of these as well. He’s extremely happy and speaks very highly of Market Leader – he likes that it makes the agent accountable - it gives him the reminders and supports him in tracking and following up with all his prospects regularly. As well, he says the emails campaigns are absolutely great, along with the ability to customize them.
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