Turning It Around In Texas

Wendy Warren from Houston Texas shares a great turnaround testimonial on the HouseValues MasterMind forum yesterday:
"I have been with HouseValues for 4 months now. Before the 1st month had even passed I called to cancel because it seemed like a big waste of my time and effort. Last month I stopped preparing all CMA's because I was through with this system and hated it and had strong feelings against it, UNTIL I stopped and thought to myself, this system is putting people in my hand who actually said, "I am Ready to Sell my House in 90 days or less". I thought to myself, the problem is not the system, its ME. I have a really hard time with telemarketers so it was very hard for me to keep calling people back to back and I became very discouraged when my calls went unreturned and I received no responses to my emails.
Foolish as it may sound, I now call until no end and just try to allow them to listen to a message from me everyday. I also send a personal handwritten note in the mail letting them know I am trying to get in contact with them and would really appreciate an opportunity to speak with them. In addition I have been hand delivering the CMA's and hand wrote a very similar letter on my letterhead saying I stopped by and was sorry I missed them but to please call me and let me know how I can help. I also leave a plastic bag, with the hardcopy CMA, refrigerator magnet or personalized pen. On my electronic CMA's through HouseValues, I have only been including a price range instead of actual listings, and on the hard copy I hand deliver I include the individual comparisons.
This is my new system which I have only used for the past two weeks and it has paid off as I have my first listing appt tomorrow. We have already agreed to a listing price on the phone and discussed the details of the listing and how their home will be marketed.
Just don’t give up!!!"
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